
Shell Cloud Command

Working this out took a lot of time, however I’m proud to show the tagscript community the first tag that can save data through the bot, you don’t have to do any setting up. (Other then importing of course)

You might recall Raffael made a tag where you would setup a role and then guess the number, you also might remember a user named Squidtoon made an api that did similar things however he removed his project from repl where it was hosted…


You can use this tag to do something similar to the cbsays tag where you can post a shell with text on it, you can also view other users posts or the latest post!

Why? This is just the general idea of using an api and python to interact through embed images, for those of you who don’t know what an API is, its an “application program interface”, you send a request to a site which then can give you something back, thats basically what I did. You send a request to a repl, the program will then save it to another further external cloud db known as mongodb (There are problems with saving data through repl which is why this part is needed).


?shell add <Word>
Your word must be less then or 10 characters
?shell show <Index>
View already posted words, must be a number eg. view the 7th word added with the add command
?shell cache
Shows the Cache which you can use to view words with the show command

⚠️ Warning. ⚠️

People are naturally stupid. In short people will be able to use words that shouldn’t be used. For this reason I highly recommend this tag be marked nsfw.

Tag does not use any commands.

Tag Import

Suspicion Command

Check for alts using a system of checks with each being given their own weight, in addition see other info about the user to manually determine if a user is “sus”.

{=(ud.seconds.points):3} {=(README):Users account age is under 24 hours old, usually an alt MAKE THIS THE BIGGEST NUMBER}
{=(ud.minutes.points):2} {=(README):Users account age is 1-30 days old, could be an alt would recommend keeping an eye on the user}
{=(ud.hours.points):1} {=(README):Users account age is 1-12 months old, again could be an alt but not likely}
{=(ud.days.points):0} {=(README):Users account age is 1+ years old, most likely not an alt but could be one}
{=(ujd.seconds.points):2} {=(README):Users account age in server is under 24 hours old, new memberMAKE THIS THE BIGGEST NUMBER}
{=(ujd.minutes.points):1} {=(README):Users account age in server is 1-30 days old, not a new member but not really an old member}
{=(ujd.hours.points):0} {=(README):Users account age in server is 1-12 months old, would be considered seasoned or at least an old member}
{=(ujd.days.points):0} {=(README):Users account age in the server is 1+ years old, old member}
{=(ua.default.points):3} {=(README):Is the users avatar a default one? Most alts don't change pfps which is a dead giveaway}
{=(ua.nitro.points):-1} {=(README):Does the user have a .gif avatar? Not many people have nitro for an alt(s) Negative number here because user has nitro}
{=(un.points):1} {=(README): Has the user changed his/her nickname? Alts don't usually change their nickname, Disable this with "0" if needed}

Tag Import