Data Storage/Variables


Tags cannot store data between invocations through regular means, you have other options though! See here.


{tag_name} -> afk

{let(new nick):Default User}
{new nick} -> Default User

{formulaEQ} -> 5+6(x-1)

{assign(userGoal):1,000,000 Members!}
{userGoal} -> 1,000,000 Members!

An extremely important block, the variable block allows you to save data per command invocation and use/alter it.

To define a variable, you just need to give it a name, and content, which may be empty.

After that, to call it, all you have to do is put brackets around the variables name.


You cannot name variables, names of existing blocks, for example, you cannot name a variable user, as that already exists (See Discord.rst)