
The Best Embed Maker Command

Have you ever dreamt of creating an Embed Message with images, a footer, a custom side color… easily with just a command?

As you may already know, Carl-bot has the embed command that limits you to only a title, a description and a side color, and the cembed command that requires you to know about what JSON even is (which is not the majority, let’s face it), and is a pain to use on a regular basis (or even once to be honest).

This is why out of frustration and as a huge QoL (Quality of Life) improvement for you all, I built this buildembed custom command (be for short), which is very easy and convenient to use, while being powerful!


  • Each field name has Substring Matching, meaning you can for example type t for title, desc for description, c or col for color and it will still recognize it!

  • You can specify any field in the order of your choice! Unlike other embed commands, if you want to specify a footer, then a thumbnail, then a title, you can!

  • For the color field, you can specify either a color name, a hexadecimal code (like #eeaaee), or even self for your own color.

  • Custom-made blocks to use in some fields, such as user {avatar} and server {icon} in image fields, {server} and {channel} in text fields, and {channel(mention)} in the Description field.

  • Even if you don’t have Nitro, ability to use custom emojis from other servers, by using <emoji (literally) followed by the emoji ID and >.


!be fieldName:Content|fieldName:Content|fieldName:Content...

Available Fields and Colors

Tag Import